• IPL Photorejuvenation by Lucent IPL™

The Darwin is a customizable aesthetic device with 5 different technologies: IPL, DIODE, RF Microneedling, RF, and HIFU resulting in endless treatment combinations. 

The Darwin is a customizable aesthetic device with 5 different technologies: IPL, DIODE, RF Microneedling, RF, and HIFU resulting in endless treatment combinations. 

LUCENT IPL™ Intense pulsed light therapy, is an excellent way to improve the skins colour and texture. This treatment can treat visible sun damage, pigmentation, signs of aging, Melasma, acne, rosacea, and other vascular lesion.

The depth of penetration will vary according to the wavelength used. (the longer the wavelength, the greater the depth of penetration.)

With the Lucent IPL™’s advanced cooling technology, this ensures patient comfort, protects the epidermis, and improves the efficiency of IPL treatment.

Treatment Intervals: 3-5 treatments every week

When will I see results? The effects of Lucent IPL are gradual, so you will begin to see a visible change in your face within 1-3 weeks.

What happens after treatment? What to expect? Freckles and age spots may appear darker for 3-7 days after the treatment, this is a normal reaction. Crusting may appear on the skin as well, This is all normal and will go away within about a week-10 days. Downtime is very minimal but your skin will feel sensitive for around a day or so. Avoid sun exposure, hot tubs, saunas, or vigorous exercise for at least 24 hours.

Does it hurt? The treatment should not hurt, if anything you may experience some light discomfort, but tolerable. The first treatment may feel tingly, but patients often say follow up treatments become more comfortable as the skin begins to clear.


+ Treats many different skin concerns
+ Customizable treatment plan
+ Stimulates collaged production
+ Reduces the appearance of fine lines, scars and wrinkles
+ Can be combined with other facial skin procedures


  • Time to administer:
  • See Results:

Discomfort level


    Starting at $300.00

    At AE.R we tailor customized treatments specifically for you. Book a consultation with us to determine the best strategy to achieve your goals.