• Thermage® CPT

Thermage® CPT is a non-invasive radio frequency therapy that helps smooth, tighten, and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance. This treatment works...

Thermage® CPT is a non-invasive radio frequency therapy that helps smooth, tighten, and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance. This treatment works by heating the deep, collagen rich layers of the skin while the tip vibrates and cools the surface layer for patient comfort. Thermage can treat multiple areas and loose skin around the face, eyes and body. Results will improve over time and can be very long lasting.

What areas can we do on the body?
+ Abdomen
+ Thighs

Does it hurt? How does it feel? 

Thermal is known to be a comfortable treatment, we use integrated cooling with pulsed RadioFrequency and vibration to aid in patient comfort. You may feel warm-hot during the treatment, but the technician is there the whole time to ensure your comfort. 

How often do I need to come in? 

One single treatment can deliver amazing results for most patients. Measurable results appear gradually in the two to six months following the first treatment, and these results can last from 1-2 years depending on your skin condition and aging process. Therefor, depending on your skin, you may want to come in once a year to maintain the results. The best part of all, if that results continue to improve over time!

How much does it cost?

The cost of this treatment completely depends on the area you are having treated, we do need you to come in for an in person Consultation and from there the technician will provide you with an accurate price quote based on where you want to see the best results.

Are there side effects?

Some patients may have temporary swelling or redness after the treatment, but this will usually subside within 24 hours. You may return back to normal activities immediately after treatment and no special after care is required, other than maintaining your skin care regime and applying a good sunscreen and staying hydrated. 


+ Little to no downtime
+ Minimal risk
+ Long lasting dramatic results


  • Time to administer: 60-90 Minutes Can be extended to 3 hours if doing multiple areas
  • See Results:

Discomfort level

  • Moderate

Ideal candidate is someone looking for tightening and overall skin rejuvenation. (Note: no one with a pacemaker, metal implant, pregnant or breastfeeding, or diabetic.)


Starting at $1,750.00

At AE.R we tailor customized treatments specifically for you. Book a consultation with us to determine the best strategy to achieve your goals.