Skincare Habits

Skincare Habits

Michael Wong

Skincare Habits

By: Geelda

Today we are talking about bad habits when it comes to skincare. We either may be taking advice from the wrong people or have built bad skincare habits over the years (which can be hard to break). I will be sharing with you what you can do instead to properly care for your skin and why these habits listed below may be doing more harm than good. 


  1. Non-professional skincare advice (take with a grain of salt).

With Tik Tok and Instagram reels becoming such a popular way to share tips/advice (YouTube as well), there's a lot of misinformation out there. Even though there are doctors and/or trained professionals in the industry that make this content, there are also people who are not licensed to be giving any medical OR skincare related advice.


There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal routine with others, but I would take what people say based on "what works for them" with a grain of salt. I have seen a lot of celebrity skincare routines that were quite alarming (due to how much false information was in it).


I won't name any names, but lets just focus on taking advice from people who have an educational background, experience, and understanding of skin health through a comprehensive view of its anatomy and physiology.

2. Picking your skin.

A lot of us are guilty of this. Picking at blemishes on the skin can actually end up causing more breakouts or leave a scar. If you are in need of extractions, leave this to the professionals because they have specific tools and techniques to extract without damaging the skin or causing broken capillaries. There is a mental health condition called dermatillomania where the person compulsively picks and scratches their skin, and in a case like this you should be referred to a dermatologist. 
3.Sleeping with makeup on.

This is something I used to do as a teenager. The thought of going to sleep with my makeup now makes me cringe, especially if I have sunscreen, foundation, or eye makeup on. Not cleaning your face before bed can not only clog your pores but can boost your exposure to free radicals, leading to premature aging. When your skin is covered in makeup, it isn't able to breathe and repair itself properly. Sleeping in eye makeup may increase your risk of developing a stye (blocked oil gland in the eyelid). The list goes on for reasons why you shouldn't sleep in your makeup.  

4. Using a dirty towel or pillowcase. 
There is a buildup of bacteria after each use, so it's very important to wash towels and pillowcases regularly. It's usually recommended to wash pillowcases weekly and towels every other day. Doing this can prevent build-up on the skin that leave you with blemishes, breakouts, rashes, or irritation. This is especially important if you have sensitive skin. If you are busy and on the go a lot of the time like I am, it's not a bad idea to jot down into your schedule when a new pillowcase or towel was put so you would know when it's time for it to be changed.

5. Skipping sunscreen (thinking its seasonal).

This is something I hear a lot. People say they don't "need" sunscreen because it's no longer summer. UV rays are here all year round, and I throw this fact at people all the time to prove my point.. Snow reflects up to 80 percent of the sun's UV light. UVA rays remain constant throughout the year and can penetrate through clouds and fog. So if you want your skin to be 100% protected from not only premature aging, but also reduce your risk of skin cancer (approximately 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day) then remember to incorporate it into your every day skincare regimen regardless of the season.  

6. Not double cleansing.

Once I started double cleansing, I never went back to my old ways of cleansing. It's not possible to remove all sunscreen residue from the skin with just one cleanse. Starting off with an oil cleanser or cleansing balm will break down the sunscreen, makeup, oil, and impurities from the skin. It is a myth that it will make your skin "oilier" if you have combination or oily skin, which is what I hear as a common worry amongst people who do not double cleanse with an oil. This isn't a possibility since the oil is meant to go onto dry skin and once it melts away what is on the skin, you rinse it off. You follow with a regular cleanser after to ensure the skin is clean and ready for your skincare products to penetrate properly.

7. Over-exfoliating.

Exfoliation is necessary for everyone regardless of their skin type. Doing this 1-2 times a week should be enough to remove dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. Over-exfoliation can cause issues like redness, dryness, irritation, and even breakouts.

Some signs of over-exfoliation include..

    • irritation, burning, or peeling
    • redness and inflammation
    • breakouts, especially small pimples
    • increased sensitivity to other products in your routine
If you notice any of those symptoms, please stop exfoliating and focus on repairing your skin barrier. Take a break from foaming cleansers, retinol and other acids (e.g. AHAs and BHAs), and all physical and chemical exfoliators. Switch to mild cleanser and ensure you are using fragrance-free products. Spot treat extra sensitive areas (red or itchy) with a rich emollient, such as Aquaphor. You can also use hydrocortisone if need be. 

8. Neglecting your neck and chest.

So many of us give lots of love and attention to our face, but end up neglecting our neck and chest. Ignoring these areas can lead to signs of aging,    hyperpigmentation, and a mismatched appearance between the face and the         other parts of the body. All the products you are using on your face, apply them     down your neck and on your chest as well. For example, when it's summer and you have other parts of your body exposed to the sun, you wouldn't want to     only apply sunscreen to the face and neglect other areas. Don't forget to keep care for your body as well!

9.  Using makeup wipes.

Makeup wipes don't remove makeup, they often push dirt and makeup around your face without fully lifting or rinsing them away. These wipes can cause also irritation due to preservatives that prevent micro-organisms from contaminating the wipes. Another thing to take into consideration is most of them aren't recyclable or compostable. There are more reasons to stop using them even though it is a more "convenient" option for some of us. If you do use them, make sure you are using a fragrance-free one and not using it as your only form of "cleansing" or "makeup remover". Proper cleansing always needs to be done following a wipe. I think ditching the makeup wipe and using an oil cleanser is a much better option and long-term habit to have.


10. Using bar soaps instead of cleanser.

Any cleanser you use on your face needs to have moisturizing ingredients. Most traditional bar soaps don't contain these ingredients and will strip your skin of moisture. Most of them contain synthetic fragrance and dyes. It is also less hygienic compared to a cleanser that comes with a pump or in a tube. It's best to get rid of bar soaps, especially if you have sensitive or eczema-prone skin.