• Vampyre Facial
  • Vampyre Facial

PRP (platelet rich plasma) contains numerous growth factors that are vital for tissue regeneration and repair. These growth promoting properties can...

PRP (platelet rich plasma) contains numerous growth factors that are vital for tissue regeneration and repair. These growth promoting properties can be used for a few things, including Facial rejuvenation and hair loss. You may be familiar with the term “Vampyre Facial” Generally,  this treatment combines micro needling with PRP resulting in improvement of skin tone, texture, and other concerns.

Your own blood is drawn carefully via the WorldPRP ™ system. The blood is placed in a centrifuge in the patented hourglass vial where blood is separated from plasma. The centrifuge time is the fastest in the market. After the separation is complete, platelet rich plasma containing multiple growth factors vital for tissue regeneration and repair are injected into the face, neck and tear trough.

Does it hurt? How does it feel?

A topical numbing cream is applied before the injections to ensure comfort.

What areas can we do?

+ Full face

+ Tear trough

+ Neck separately

+ All of the areas mentioned


+ Increase collagen production & moisture retention
+ Tighter, firmer skin
+ Enhanced skin tone & texture
+ As your own plasma is used, it is considered a safe technique
+ Minimal downtime
+ Long lasting effects


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Ideal candidate is someone with optimal health, and no serious health conditions.



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