A Beginner’s Guide to Cosmetic Procedures

A Beginner’s Guide to Cosmetic Procedures

by Michelle Lai

A Beginner’s Guide to Cosmetic Procedures

POV: you are interested in getting a cosmetic procedure done but don’t know where to start.

As someone who is in their twenties, I am here to tell you all about the best treatments we offer at AE.R for our younger clientele based on my own experience. 

BELAMD+ Facial 

I always recommend starting off with the BELAMD+, otherwise known as the hydrofacial, a non-invasive, deep cleanse facial suitable for all skin types. Come in for a consultation and we can even customize the treatment for you! You will feel so refreshed after - every pore will be tightened and cleaned out. Makeup application is so much smoother as well. 

There are six steps to this facial so you know you are getting your money’s worth.

Preventative Botox 

Botox is an injection that temporarily relaxes your muscles which leads to minimal movement; this means that your fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced and even less will form in the long run! The forehead is always the best place to start with, as our wrinkles there are the most prominent when we raise our eyebrows or frown. 

My first experience with botox (forehead and masseters) was super quick, easy and painless. I was expecting a LOT more pain but it honestly just felt like a little pinch. So, for those who are worried about pain: do not stress! 

Laser Hair Removal 

Our Fotona SP Dynamis machine provides laser hair removal to various areas on the body; be patient, because you won’t actually see results right away - wait until your hair cycle regenerates before you expect to see a difference. 

I got my underarms, legs and bikini area treated for my first experience. Not painful and I would choose this over waxing any day. It is really comparable to the feeling of quickly snapping an elastic band against your skin.

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One of the best parts about AE.R Skinlab is that we are located right outside Granville Island! Whether you are a local or new to the area, there are tons of fun activities and tasty restaurants to choose from following your treatment with us. Hy Tea Lounge is perfect for Instagram pictures and they make the best egg and avocado croissants in Vancouver.