• Threadlift

Threadlifting is a cosmetic procedure that lifts and separates tissues for up to 2-3 years. This technique pulls and lifts the breast tissue....

Threadlifting is a cosmetic procedure that lifts and separates tissues for up to 2-3 years. This technique pulls and lifts the breast tissue. With many treatable areas to the face/body, Dr.Scudamore is really able to tailor treatment to each individuals needs.

This procedure uses different threads that vary in diameter, length and barbs. (Barbs are what hold tissue in place.) Theadlifting is a part of an integrated cosmetic treatment plan, the results are best maintained when combined with other treatments such as PRP. 

PDO threads work by tightening and lifting the skin. This procedure can be used to produce a non surgical breast lift. With small barbed threads, our physician carefully inserts the threads beneath the skin resulting in a breast lift. If you are considering this treatment, we always require you to come in for an in depth consultation. At this time our physician will go over all questions and concerns you may have regarding the treatment, and determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. 

Does it hurt? We use a specifically designed needle to perform the procedure and insert the threads into the skin. Numbing cream is applied to ensure patient comfort. However, patients may still experience some mild discomfort during treatment. Bruising and swelling can also occur. 

The pain level is considered mild, but a lidocaine injection is also available

How long will the results last?

The results if a breast lift with threads can last from 12-28 months. Patients can expect to keep seeing results for up to a year or more after their treatment.



+ Long lasting effects
+ Instant results
+ Non-Surgical breastlift


  • Time to administer: 30-45 min (not including numbing time)
  • See Results:

Discomfort level

  • Medium

Best candidates between 35-55 years of age (​​Note: We cannot treat people with chronic skin conditions, autoimmune disorder, diabetes, prone to infection)


Starting at $2,600.00

At AE.R we tailor customized treatments specifically for you. Book a consultation with us to determine the best strategy to achieve your goals.